Can I copy and paste something from the thesaurus into my story?
Our thesaurus collections aren't actually meant to be copied and pasted. Readers want to read a story that will bring their imaginations to life, and that will only happen when the story is written in your style, using the best words possible for the character and the scene.
It should also be noted that because the content at CAY is copyrighted, it shouldn't be copied. Per section 9 (Intellectual Property and Access Rights) of CAY's Terms of Use: CAY’s content and the software, code, proprietary methods, and systems used to provide the Site (the “System”) are proprietary and protected by applicable law. You agree not to copy CAY’s content or attempt to access, copy, modify, or reverse engineer the System, or to help any other person do these things.
If you find something in a thesaurus that would work well for your purposes, we suggest modifying it to fit the character and their situation, choosing words and details that your point-of-view character would use. This will create a more realistic experience for readers, making them feel part of the scene, and it will create authenticity and consistency as you write that character.
It should also be noted that because the content at CAY is copyrighted, it shouldn't be copied. Per section 9 (Intellectual Property and Access Rights) of CAY's Terms of Use: CAY’s content and the software, code, proprietary methods, and systems used to provide the Site (the “System”) are proprietary and protected by applicable law. You agree not to copy CAY’s content or attempt to access, copy, modify, or reverse engineer the System, or to help any other person do these things.
If you find something in a thesaurus that would work well for your purposes, we suggest modifying it to fit the character and their situation, choosing words and details that your point-of-view character would use. This will create a more realistic experience for readers, making them feel part of the scene, and it will create authenticity and consistency as you write that character.