Character Builder Terminology


An antagonist is the force that opposes the protagonist and stands in the way of their goal. While this can manifest as an element (such as nature), a corrupt or unethical structure (government, the church, a corporation, etc.), or an internal struggle that must be overcome, the antagonist is often another person.


Backstory encompasses anything from the past that impacts who your character is at the start of the current story. Wounding events, influential people, personal victories and failures, and important historical happenings can change your character, giving birth to new personality traits, debilitating fears, moral codes, lies, and other elements that will influence their choices and behaviors. While not all of these elements will be shared directly in the story, it’s important for the author to know the backstory so they can write characters that are believable and authentic.

Behavioral Component of the Fatal Flaw

The fatal flaw consists of two parts: one mental and one behavioral. The cognitive component develops first and consists of a bias, negative mindset, attitude, or disempowering belief that drives the character’s actions and choices. This behavioral component results from that mental piece in the form of unproductive and/or dysfunctional traits or behaviors that must be renounced in order for the character to find success.


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