Elevate your storytelling

Free Trial

What happens when my free trial ends?

Free trial users can upgrade to a subscription plan, or, if no action is taken, your status will automatically revert to that of a registered user, granting you limited access to the site. Any saved materials will remain in your Workspace. That material will also be accessible should you wish to subscribe at any point.

However, we're also committed to not holding onto your personal information once it becomes unnecessary to do so. For this reason, if you have no items saved to your workspace and there is no activity on your account for a period of six years, the account will be deleted. Should you wish to sign up after that point, you can start over with a new account.

If you'd like to obtain PDFs of your work and save those to your system, you'll want to download them before your free trial ends (you'll receive an email message letting you know when the free trial period is approaching expiration). Barring that, you can always export the tools as a registered user by accessing the Account tab and choosing the Export My Data option.

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