Help! I didn't receive a confirmation message!
If you've signed up as a registered user at One Stop, you should receive a confirmation message via the email address associated with your account. If you haven't received it within five minutes, it's possible that something went wrong. We can re-send it, but we'd like you to do a few things first, to decrease the chances of it happening again. First, please check your spam box to see if the message is there. Secondly, we've found that some email providers block emails from first-time senders; to combat this, add to your safe-senders list and add us as a contact. At that point, you can use this page to request to have the confirmation re-sent. If it doesn't go through after these measures have been taken, please use the Connect menu to send us an Account Query ticket about the issue.
Be assured that we reply to all queries, so if you've sent a message about your confirmation difficulties, we will respond. If you don't hear back from us, it's likely due to our messages not getting through, often because it has been blocked by an email provider. In this case, you can also message us through our One Stop For Writers facebook page. We've had good success resolving issues through this non-email option.
Be assured that we reply to all queries, so if you've sent a message about your confirmation difficulties, we will respond. If you don't hear back from us, it's likely due to our messages not getting through, often because it has been blocked by an email provider. In this case, you can also message us through our One Stop For Writers facebook page. We've had good success resolving issues through this non-email option.