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Accounts and Preferences

Why aren't I receiving emails from OSFW?

If you're not receiving necessary account-related emails from One Stop for Writers, it usually means that your email provider is blocking them. Those email are important for providing you the necessary information to maintain your account, so this is important to resolve. Here are two solutions that very often work.

Plan A: Please check your spam or junk folder to see if our messages are going there. If so, move one to your inbox and send a generic reply. That action is usually enough to tell your email provider that the address is one you want to receive messages from, and the issue will be resolved in the future.

Plan B: If the messages aren't in spam/junk, you'll need to "whitelist" our emails. This process basically tells your provider that any emails from us should be allowed to go through. Instructions vary depending on your email provider. You can find those instructions here and here. Most emails will be sent from the info@onestopforwriters.com account, so that's the one you'll want to approve. 

If you're able to compete either of these steps, it's good to send a test email to make sure you've been successful. Just send a simple message to info@onestopforwriters.com that says you're not receiving emails so you've whitelisted us and are sending a test email to see if it worked. We'll respond, and then you'll know whether or not our messages are getting through.

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